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"Jining in these ten years" - Jining's industrial and information development achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Release time:2024-09-03click:0
On the afternoon of October 12, the Propaganda Department of the Jining Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China organized a series of press conferences (the first) on the theme of "Jining These Ten Years". Introducing Jining's industrial and information development achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and answered reporters' questions.
Qu Yaowu City Industry and Information Technology Bureau Party Leadership Group Secretary and Director
Lijialiang City Workers Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Bureau of Information Technology
Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Tianjinhui Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology
Yang Ming Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Non-public Economic Development Section Chief, Level 4 Researcher
Huang Guangcan, Chief of the Press Release and External Communication Section of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the development of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, emphasizing that "industry is the foundation of a country" and "manufacturing is the lifeblood of the national economy", and has made The major strategic deployment of building a "manufacturing power" and "network power" has pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidance for the development of industry and information technology in the new era. The city's industry and information system adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhering to the concept of "working hard and trusting in action", conscientiously implementing the decisions and arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and unswervingly "grasping industries, "Advanced Manufacturing Industry", vigorously tackle the construction of a strong manufacturing city, and achieve fruitful results in the city's industrial and information development, accumulating strong momentum for the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era.
In the past ten years, the industrial economy has grown steadily and its comprehensive strength has been significantly enhanced. As of the end of 2021, the city's total industrial added value and assets of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 174.34 billion yuan and 698.97 billion yuan respectively, an increase of 20.8% and 41% respectively from 2012; the number of industrial enterprises above designated size increased from 1,551 in 2012 to 2,083, an increase of 34.3% over 2012; in 2021, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will increase by 13.1% year-on-year, the highest growth rate in 10 years. In particular, the manufacturing industry has become the backbone of industrial growth. In the past ten years, the city's manufacturing added value has grown at an average annual rate of 9.9%, which is 1.9 percentage points faster than the growth rate of industrial added value. The added value of manufacturing industry above designated size accounted for 59.2% of the added value of industry above designated size.%, an increase of 13.4 percentage points from 2012; the operating income of manufacturing industries above designated size accounted for 80% of the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size, an increase of 11.6 percentage points compared with 2012. There are 69 industrial enterprises in the city with annual operating income exceeding 1 billion yuan, 11 industrial enterprises exceeding 5 billion yuan, and 5 industrial enterprises exceeding 10 billion yuan. Sun Paper and Huaqin Group were selected into the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises, the Top 500 Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises, and the Top 500 Chinese Private Enterprises.
In the past ten years, the industrial system has become more complete and the cluster energy level has continued to improve. Vigorously implement the strategy of manufacturing a strong city, solidly carry out "cadres to help enterprises climb", operationalize the construction headquarters of a strong manufacturing city, sort out 19 core industrial chains, draw 29 industrial chain maps in detail, strengthen industrial planning, and deepen the core Cultivate the industrial chain and promote the chain-like growth of industrial development, the growth of clusters, and the rise of square formations, forming a "231+1" advanced model of high-end equipment, high-end chemicals, new generation information technology, new energy, new materials, modern medicine, energy conservation and environmental protection Manufacturing industry cluster. Guide each county and city to identify 2-3 leading industries, research and formulate development plans for leading industries, and form unique industrial clusters. 863 climbing companies were selected to put the chain in place and form groups according to the chain. In accordance with the working idea of ​​"complete a batch, start a batch, reserve a batch, and plan a batch", establish a key project library to supplement the chain, extend the chain and strengthen the chain, and implement the whole life The cycle tracking service guides enterprises to select projects, demonstrate projects, and launch new projects according to the division of labor in the industrial chain, and open up the links of strengthening the chain, extending the chain, and supplementing the chain. Relying on industries with advantageous foundations such as advanced carbon materials, rare earths, robots, and emergency equipment, we will accelerate With the construction of the Provincial Advanced Carbon Materials Demonstration Base, the Provincial Emergency Equipment Industry Base and the Provincial Rare Earth Industry Research Institute, the advantages of industrial agglomeration have been further enhanced.
In the past ten years, the conversion of kinetic energy has accelerated and upgraded, and the industrial transformation has achieved remarkable results. We have made every effort to transform and enhance traditional driving forces, and have taken the lead in establishing and implementing technological innovation funds in the province. We have adopted methods such as investment and equity participation to inject "vitality" into the technological transformation of enterprises. A total of more than 8,000 technological transformation projects with an investment of 5 million yuan have been implemented. Investment in technological transformation accounts for nearly 70% of industrial investment. The total investment in technological transformation completed in 2020 and 2021 ranked first in the province for two consecutive years. We have solidly carried out special actions to transform and upgrade safety production in the chemical industry, and established 7 provincial chemical industrial parks. The admission rate of chemical enterprises has reached more than 60%, ranking among the top in the province. Combining the evaluation reform of "yield per mu" with the reduction of backward production capacity, in recent years, a total of 200 integrated stone processing enterprises and cement enterprises have been reduced.There are 11 enterprises, 16 lime kiln enterprises, 54 brick and tile kiln enterprises, 88 machine-made sand and gravel enterprises, and 6,847 acres of land have been vacated. Efforts have been made to cultivate and expand new driving forces, and the pace of innovation and development of the "231+1" advanced manufacturing cluster has continued to accelerate, the scale of the cluster has continued to expand, and the quality and efficiency have steadily improved. The city has 7 industrial clusters selected into the province's "Top Ten" industrial "Flying Formation" clusters, with a scale of 230 billion yuan. In 2021, the "four new" economic added value will account for 24.7%. Jining New Materials Industrial Park has been rated as one of the "Top 20 Chemical Parks in China" for eight consecutive years. Yanzhou Agricultural Machinery Industry Cluster, Wenshang Textile and Garment Industry Cluster, and Liangshan Special Vehicle Industry Cluster were selected as pilot projects for regional brand construction of industrial clusters by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Jining High-tech Zone was rated Five-star national new industrialization industry demonstration base.
In the past ten years, the innovation environment has continued to be optimized, and innovation capabilities have jumped significantly. Focus on strengthening the main role of enterprises in innovation and promote the concentration of various innovation elements in enterprises. In 2021, the sales revenue of new products of enterprises in the city will account for more than 30% of operating revenue. The output value of high-tech industries accounted for 40.7% of designated industries from 21.1% in 2012. Promote the construction of innovation carriers, use optimal policies to build strong innovation platforms, cultivate 3 provincial-level manufacturing innovation centers, build 149 provincial-level "one enterprise, one technology" R&D centers, 6 provincial-level public training bases for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, There are 302 municipal-level “one enterprise, one technology” R&D centers. Improve the construction of the innovation system and make the greatest efforts to cultivate innovative entities. We have 4 national-level technological innovation demonstration enterprises, 31 provincial-level technological innovation demonstration enterprises, 22 provincial-level quality benchmark industrial enterprises, and 1,396 projects have been included in provincial-level technological innovation projects. plan. Optimize the environment for innovation and development, use the most practical measures to create an innovation ecosystem, independently cultivate 1 national-level talent and 24 provincial-level talents in the field of industry and information technology, continue to carry out entrepreneurial evaluation activities, and select a total of 748 municipal-level outstanding entrepreneurs.
In the past ten years, the digital economy has developed and expanded, and the integration of informatization and informatization has advanced in depth. Continue to strengthen the core industries of the digital economy, and implement key actions such as "strengthening the core" of integrated circuits, "replenishing the chain" of robots, "expanding" smart terminals, and "improving the quality" of the software industry. In the first half of the year, the operating income of the core industries of the digital economy reached 169 billion, a year-on-year increase of 161.1%, ranking first in the province, becoming a new driving force for the city's economic growth. Seven provincial-level digital economic parks have been built, and it was successfully awarded the DCMM (Data Management Maturity Assessment Model) pilot city. Make every effort to promote the integrated development of digital technology and traditional industries, and integrate the twoThe development index has been among the top 5 in the province within 5 years. The industrial Internet is booming, with 2 national-level industrial Internet innovation and development projects approved, 2 industrial Internet pilot demonstration projects by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Jining High-tech Zone being approved as the "National New Industrialized Industry Demonstration Base: Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Digital Transformation and Enhancement Pilot Project" ”, there are only 22 in the country. The first Digital Economy Development Summit Forum was successfully held. The digital infrastructure support capacity has been steadily enhanced. The city's 4G network signal coverage has reached 100%. All urban areas and administrative villages have achieved 100% fiber optic coverage. The proportion of users with broadband access of 100M (megabytes) and above has reached 98.9%. The broadband download speed ranks first in the world. 4th in the province. Dual-gigabit construction is at the forefront of the province, with a total of 11,829 5G base stations completed and opened, and all Gigabit city creation indicators have met the standards.
In the past ten years, the private economy has developed vigorously and high-quality enterprises have burst with vitality. We have always adhered to the "two unwavering" policy and established a high-level private economic small and medium-sized enterprise (non-public economy) work leading group with the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government as dual leaders to promptly study and solve outstanding problems that restrict the development of the private economy. question. A package of high-quality and highly targeted policies and measures such as "25 measures to support the high-quality development of the private economy" and "50 measures for the development of the non-public economy" have been introduced to fully transform policy dividends into powerful driving forces for high-quality development. The gradient cultivation system of high-quality enterprises has been continuously improved, cultivating a total of 625 municipal-level "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises, 153 gazelle enterprises, and 132 individual manufacturing champions; it has 374 provincial-level "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises, There are 113 gazelle companies and 58 individual champions in the manufacturing industry; there are 53 national-level specialized and new "little giant" companies, 16 key "little giant" companies, and 9 individual champions in the manufacturing industry, all ranking among the top in the province. .
Forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era. We will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, firmly grasp the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "three steps forward", anchor "step ahead and open a new game", and in the municipal party committee, Under the strong leadership of the municipal government, we will work hard, be hard-working, and strive to be first-class, strive to make greater contributions to the new journey of comprehensively opening up a new era of socialist modernization and building a strong city, and greet and celebrate the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions !
On-site Q&A session
Qilu Evening News reporter
In recent years, Jining has vigorously implemented the strategy of making a strong city, operationalized the construction headquarters of a strong manufacturing city, and innovatively implemented the “cadres to help enterprises climb” activities, promoting the transformation and development of resource-based cities. In 2022, the city's 14th Party Congress will make the strategy of creating a strong city the first major task among the "Nine Strategies". I would like to ask, since this year, what work has been done to help enterprises climb, and what remarkable results have been achieved?
Li Jialiang
Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology
In recent years, faced with resource-based At a stage of development in which the city is in urgent need of transformation and traditional industries are being transformed and upgraded, the municipal party committee and the municipal government are far-sighted and have carried out a scientific and all-round top-level design for the long-term and high-quality development of the industrial economy. We will vigorously promote the cultivation of "231" advanced manufacturing industry clusters as the main direction, operationalize the strong manufacturing city construction headquarters, innovatively implement the "cadres help enterprises climb" activities, focus on 19 core industrial chains, and comprehensively Implement the "group leader + chain leader system" and solidly advance the five major projects of "enterprise climbing, RMB 100 billion technological transformation, enterprise listing, factor guarantee, and entrepreneur cultivation", forming a "whole-of-society linkage" to focus on industry and manufacturing good situation of the industry. From January to August this year, the city's industrial added value increased by 10.8%, ranking second in the province.
First, we must pay close attention to the protection of factors and help enterprises relieve difficulties. Adhere to a problem-oriented approach, make every effort to solve the difficulties, stuck points, and blocking issues that restrict the development of enterprises, establish and improve the closed-loop resolution mechanism of "problem reporting, hierarchical management, follow-up resolution, and completion of account cancellation" for enterprise appeals, and improve land, ecological environment, energy, The efficiency of allocating factors such as finance and the implementation of policies to benefit enterprises at the central, provincial and municipal levels will be ensured to provide strong factor guarantees for enterprises to achieve breakthrough development and projects to be put into production and achieve results. From January to August, 2,155 various requests from climbing companies were handled, 12,900 talents of various types were introduced, 22.227 billion yuan in new loans were issued, and 4,260 acres of additional land were advanced for 122 projects.
The second is to pay close attention to enterprise cultivation and help enterprises to advance. By strengthening the "Strong Enterprise Club", we will support the existing four categories of "leading, leading, backbone, and high-growth" enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and create a phalanx of powerful enterprises. At the same time, we pay attention to the cultivation of "specialized, special and new" enterprises, implement the three-year doubling action of high-growth enterprises, the upgrading and standardization nursery plan, and the high-tech enterprise cultivation plan, and promote enterprises to strive to become specialized and special at the provincial level or above.New, individual champion and national high-tech enterprise. Since the beginning of this year, among the climbing companies, 5 companies have been selected as the national "Little Giants", 34 companies have been selected as the fourth batch of national "Little Giants", 2 companies have been selected as the national green factories, 2 companies were selected as National Green Supply Chain Management Enterprises, 111 companies were selected as Provincial Specialized and New Enterprises, 20 companies were selected as Provincial Gazelle Enterprises, 20 companies were selected as Provincial Single Champion Enterprises, and 20 companies were selected as Shandong 2022 Enterprises. Provincial quality benchmark.
The third is to pay close attention to project breakthroughs to help enterprises gain momentum and empower themselves. For 863 climbing enterprise projects, especially 20 provincial major, 22 provincial key and 30 city wall chart combat projects, implement one project and one set of plans, strengthen full life cycle tracking services, and strive to realize the investment volume, physical volume, and workload "Three quantities increase simultaneously." For the 470 technical transformation projects implemented by climbing enterprises in the city, the incentive and guidance role of technical transformation policies such as free rewards and subsidies, loan interest subsidies, machine substitutions, and technical transformation funds will be used to stimulate the enthusiasm of climbing enterprises to implement technological transformation and promote the pressure of technical transformation projects. Advance in batches, start construction in batches, and implement on a rolling basis. As of the end of September, among the 863 annual implementation projects of climbing enterprises in the city, 566 were under construction, 231 were completed, and 36.286 billion yuan of investment had been completed.
The fourth is to pay close attention to industrial agglomeration and help enterprises develop collaboratively. Focusing on the "231+1" manufacturing industry cluster, 19 core industry chains were sorted out, 29 industry chain maps were drawn, and 863 climbing companies were linked into chains and grouped into groups to help companies expand their scale and compete to become chain owners. type, leading enterprise. Develop an online platform for "Easy Products and Uses" to promote mutual recommendation of high-quality products of "Easy Products and Uses" among 435 companies in the city, open up the industrial logistics chain, supply chain and innovation chain, and improve the local matching rate of products. Vigorously carry out enterprise-based investment promotion and industrial chain investment promotion, promote the complementary advantages of upstream and downstream enterprises, and achieve chain-type growth, cluster expansion, and the rise of square formations.
In the next step, we will focus on the advancement of enterprises and industrial transformation and upgrading, focusing on promoting the three major actions of "enterprise listing, enterprise technological transformation, and leading large projects", and focus on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. , focusing on cultivating and growing emerging industries and promoting the construction of a strong manufacturing city to a new level.
China Shandong Net Reporter
In recent years, facing the complex and severe external situation, how has Jining’s industrial economy achieved stable growth?
Tian Jinhui
Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology
In recent years, faced with the impact of unexpected factors such as the COVID-19 epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, maintaining steady industrial growth has borne a greater burden Pressure also requires harder efforts. Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, we have anchored on "walking ahead and opening up a new chapter" and are committed to "working hard and trusting in action", taking the stable growth of industry as the top priority, and making every effort to prevent the epidemic, promote smooth traffic, and Through various tasks such as ensuring the main body, expanding demand, and stabilizing expectations, the industrial economy has made steady progress and made solid progress. It has played the role of industrial "ballast stone" and also demonstrated the strong resilience and potential of Jining's industry. In 2020, we withstood the pressure of cliff-like decline and pushed the industrial economy out of the deep "V" situation. The annual added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 5.9%, which was 0.9 percentage points higher than the province and 3.1 percentage points higher than the country. In 2021, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will increase by 13.1%, which is 3.5 percentage points higher than that of the province and the country.
Especially since this year, in the face of the sudden spread of the epidemic, rising raw material prices, rising industry costs and other adverse factors, we must do a solid job in "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, "Development must be safe" are three major issues, effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and industrial development, actively plan and implement various policies and measures to stabilize growth, focus on operation, consolidate the foundation, grasp industry, improve quality and efficiency, grasp projects, increase stamina, and make every effort to " "Guarantee five and strive for first place in three", from January to August, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 10.8% year-on-year, which was 5.8 percentage points higher than the province and 7.2 percentage points higher than the country. The growth rate ranked first in the province for five consecutive months. 2 places.
When working, keep in mind the responsibility of industry and information technology, adhere to goal orientation, implement precise policies, and make targeted efforts.
First, precise measurement and careful calculation are needed to tap potential and stabilize growth. Go deep into key enterprises and key projects, dig deep into growth points from the aspects of completed projects, existing enterprises, and contributions from Xinatong enterprises, find out the support accurately, thoroughly, and solidly, and calculate the "support account" and "gap" for each enterprise "Accounts", more accurately predict industrial growth targets, and on this basis guide the formulation of plans to stabilize growth county by county, city by quarter, and quarter by quarter, and form 10 supervision groups to conduct reconciliations month by month and quarter by quarter to ensure that the growth targets are met. Failed.
The second is the steady growth of aggregate factor resources. We have fully implemented the central and provincial policies to benefit enterprises, introduced 43 measures to stabilize growth, and 26 measures to help enterprises relieve difficulties, and fully implemented "enjoy without application". From January to August, the cumulative "decline and slowdown"Taxes and fees amounted to more than 11 billion yuan, benefiting more than 500,000 enterprises. The city and county levels allocate 70% of land, funds and other factors to the manufacturing industry every year. Since this year, 11,000 acres of land have been advanced for key manufacturing projects; as of the end of August, the city's industrial loan balance totaled 135.97 billion yuan, year-on-year. An increase of 11%, an increase of 11.564 billion yuan from the beginning of the year.
The third is to build a strong enterprise phalanx to stabilize growth. Efforts will be made to build four "strong enterprise clubs" of leading, leading, backbone and high-growth enterprises, tailor-made differentiated and precise support policies, and promote enterprises to move towards higher-level clubs one step at a time every year. Taking the "Specialized, Specialized, Special and New" small and medium-sized enterprises service list as the starting point, we vigorously implemented the three-year doubling action plan for high-growth enterprises, adding 34 national "specialized, special and new" "little giant" enterprises, and provincial-level "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises. There are 171 enterprises, 75 provincial-level manufacturing individual champions, and 184 industrial enterprises above designated size, all ranking among the top in the province in number.
The fourth is to strengthen operational monitoring and stabilize growth. Establish a daily power consumption monitoring mechanism for 1,000 key enterprises to promptly detect abnormal power consumption of enterprises, understand the operation status of enterprises, propose assistance plans one by one, and give full play to enterprise-based cadres, enterprise assistance groups, exclusive managers, industry-specific classes, and key elements The role of the "five forces" of special teams ensures the smooth operation of the enterprise. Strengthen the monitoring of the operation of 450 key "80" enterprises, conduct monitoring and early warning of enterprise production, sales, inventory, raw material prices and other indicators, promptly study and solve major problems when they are discovered, and strive to stabilize the operation of enterprises.
The fifth is to consolidate projects to support stable growth. Firmly establish the concept of "project is king", and establish a monthly ledger based on the start time of the 1,173 new construction and technical transformation projects with a total investment of 250.77 billion yuan implemented in 2022, and schedule the start of construction and construction progress every month. For 100 provincial key technological transformation projects with a total investment of 36.43 billion yuan and 100 municipal key technological transformation projects with a total investment of 55.37 billion yuan, the city and county levels will guarantee each project and provide door-to-door services one by one to ensure that key projects can start as scheduled and be accelerated. Construction, completion on time, and smooth commissioning continue to enhance the potential for stable growth.
In the next step, we will resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, firmly establish the concept of "work hard, trust in action", and practice the work of "strict, detailed, practical and fast" The style of work is based on reality and putting work first, focusing on helping enterprises to climb, cultivating industries, and converting momentum, striving to build a solid bottom line, actively fighting for the top, striving to be first-class, first, and unique, and ensuring that the city's The industrial economy continues to grow steadily.
Jining Daily Reporter
Digitization has created unlimited opportunities for integrated development. At this stage, it is a general trend to promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. So in What work has been done to promote high-quality development of the digital economy and what results have been achieved?
Li Jialiang
Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology
Develop the digital economy and maximize the number Empowering the real economy to the maximum extent is a strategic choice to seize new opportunities in the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have focused on the development of the information industry and actively built an industrial development pattern of "four chains, six parks and two networks", laying a good industrial foundation for the development of the digital economy. In recent years, by strengthening the construction of digital infrastructure and industrial Internet, the province has been at the forefront of "moving to the cloud and empowering intelligence with data", promoting the continuous acceleration of industrial digitalization. Relying on the strong foundation of traditional industries, the digital economy is gaining momentum.
First, we must pay close attention to “network construction” and continuously consolidate the foundation of the digital economy. Build high-quality 5G networks, with a total of 11,829 5G base stations built and activated, achieving full coverage of 5G networks in urban areas, counties, towns, and townships, transportation hubs, key universities, hospitals, large supermarkets, 4A-level and above scenic spots, economic parks, etc. Continuous coverage has been achieved in key scenes, with 5G coverage exceeding 50% in administrative villages. Implementing the 5G network deep coverage operation, it is planned to complete the construction of deep network signal coverage in underground parking lots and elevator rooms in 246 residential areas (commercial buildings, hospitals, schools) in the city by the end of the year. Vigorously promote the construction of gigabit optical networks. The number of urban 10G passive optical network (10G-PON) and above ports has reached 47,000. The coverage rate of gigabit broadband access in urban areas has reached 100%. The evaluation indicators for the creation of "Gigabit City" have been If it meets the requirements, it is expected to be approved as a national "Gigabit City" by the end of the year. Actively promote the construction of a number of digital infrastructure, 1 national-level industrial Internet identity analysis secondary node has been built, 1 is under construction, 13 data centers, nearly 7,000 standard racks, Shandong Mobile "Lunan Computing Center" The project is accelerating construction and will become the third largest large-scale data center in the province upon completion, providing strong computing power support for the development of the digital economy.
The second is to pay close attention to the "integration of informatization and informatization" and advance industrial digitalization in depth. Actively promote the construction of industrial Internet, and have built 1 provincial-level industrial Internet park and 1 provincial-level industrial Internet park.There are 15 online platforms. The regional cross-industry "Tengyun Industrial Internet Platform" has completed the cloud migration of more than 1,500 CNC machine tools and gradually guided each county and city to establish an industrial Internet platform. We implemented the "Cloud and Use Data to Empower Intelligence" campaign, carried out incentives and subsidies for equipment on the cloud and cultivated industrial Internet demonstration benchmarks, and the number of enterprises on the cloud exceeded 30,000. The government has given full play to its guidance and guarantee role, widely publicized policies related to digital transformation, and provided more than 84 million yuan in awards and subsidies for 185 projects to implement intelligent transformation. Give full play to the service coordination role of associations, scientific research institutions, etc., and build a support structure of "three alliances and one center" (the "three alliances" are the Lunan Digital Transformation Service Provider Alliance, the Technical Transformation Alliance, and the Doctoral Alliance, and the "one center" means digitalization The Transformation Promotion Center) carries out free diagnosis activities for enterprise digital transformation county by county to provide technical support for enterprises with digital transformation needs. Currently, more than 300 enterprises are implementing digital transformation.
The third is to pay close attention to "industrial cultivation", and the scale of digital industries continues to grow. Implement “helping enterprises climb” to enhance basic industrial capabilities. The annual operating income of the software and information technology services industry is expected to exceed 20 billion yuan, and the total volume has jumped to the top 5 in the province. The city currently has 67 "double-soft" certified enterprises, 2 provincial-level software parks, and a provincial-level software engineering technology center. 5. It has achieved success in the evaluation of big data "three excellences and two aspects", blockchain, virtual reality, Beidou positioning, and high-quality software development projects. The electronic information manufacturing industry focuses on the four industrial chains of integrated circuits, robots, smart terminals, and automotive electronics, and conducts industry chain analysis and research, with the direction of extending, replenishing, and strengthening the chain, vigorously attracting and cultivating shortcomings, and promoting 6-inch The construction of major provincial projects such as silicon-based power device chips, smart patches, and electronic terminal product manufacturing has formed a number of key enterprises such as Jingdao Microelectronics, Xinnuo Electronics, Tianbo Auto Parts, Haifu Electronics, and Luoshi. We have increased the cultivation of parks and now have 7 provincial-level digital economy parks. The carrying capacity of digital economy development has gradually increased. We strive to successfully create 2 more parks this year and gradually cultivate a development pattern of one county and one provincial park.
Jining News Network Reporter
In recent years, party committees and governments at all levels have attached great importance to the development of the private economy. As the competent department of the private economy, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau , what measures have been taken to promote the development of the national private economy? What supportive measures will be taken next?
Yang Ming
Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Non-public Economic DevelopmentSection Chief,
 Fourth-Level Researcher
Supporting the development of the private economy is not only an important economic task, but also a major political task Task. General Secretary Xi Jinping has hosted private enterprise symposiums on many occasions, fully affirming the important status and role of the private economy, and demonstrating the Party Central Committee's firm determination and clear attitude to unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public economy. According to estimates, the private economy accounts for 54% of the city's GDP, 77% of tax revenue, 90% of employment, and more than 95% of market entities, firmly occupying "half of Jining's economy." As the department in charge of the private economy, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau actively plays the leading and coordinating role of the Office of the Leading Group for Private Economy Small and Medium Enterprises (Non-Public Economy), innovates service methods, optimizes service quality, and the national private economy shows a good development trend.
First, policy guidance stimulates the vitality of private economic development. Formulate a special action plan to promote high-quality development of the private economy, focusing on enterprise cultivation, innovation-driven, environmental optimization and other aspects to help enterprises reduce costs and burdens and carry out operations with ease. At the same time, according to the needs of enterprises, a number of policy publicity and implementation activities are held at the city and county levels to help enterprises "know, understand, use and enjoy" enterprise-friendly policies. Every six months, we conduct a dispatch and analysis on the work of relevant departments and units in various counties, cities, and municipalities in supporting private economic small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure the implementation of policy dividends.
The second is to cultivate in stages to create a group of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. Establish a high-quality enterprise cultivation database, and conduct dynamic management and tiered cultivation of enterprises entering the database at the national, provincial, and municipal levels. Implement the three-year doubling action of high-growth enterprises, select some enterprises as key cultivation targets for "specialized, special and new", gazelle and individual champion enterprises at or above the provincial level, gather high-quality resources, and support enterprises to become bigger, stronger and better. Taking the "List of Practical Things to Do for "Specialized, Special and New" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" as the starting point, establish a regular scheduling work mechanism, link departments, form synergy, and guide the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises to follow the path of "specialized, special and new" development.
The third is to build a platform and gather professional service resource elements. Accelerate the construction of entrepreneurship and innovation bases for small and micro enterprises, and strive to provide enterprises with various public welfare and low-charge services such as entrepreneurship guidance and personnel training. At present, there are 38 entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases for small and micro enterprises at or above the municipal level in the city, with more than 5,300 small and micro enterprises (including individual industrial and commercial households) settled in them, creating more than 53,000 jobs. Adhere to demand orientation and improve the service system for small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, there are 37 public service demonstration platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises at or above the municipal level in the city, which has laid a solid foundation for providing high-quality and efficient public services to small and medium-sized enterprises in the city.Solid foundation.
The fourth is to innovate models and strive to alleviate corporate financing problems. Properly utilizing enterprise emergency on-lending funds, the city's 15 registered institutions provided a total of 8.129 billion yuan in on-lending funds to 489 enterprises from January to August. We have increased our support for financing guarantees for small and micro enterprises. From January to August this year, municipal government financing guarantee agencies provided 473 guarantee businesses for small and micro enterprises, with a guarantee amount of 2.866 billion yuan. Jointly implement the "Specialized, Specialized, Special and New" small and medium-sized enterprise cultivation financial support plan with the People's Bank of China, and include all "Specialized, Specialized, Special and New" enterprises in the list for targeted support, and smoothen corporate financing channels.
The fifth is to optimize services and help small and medium-sized enterprises solve their difficulties. The small and medium-sized enterprise service month activities were carried out. More than 200 service activities of various types were held throughout the city, more than 1,440 services were provided, and more than 5,000 enterprises were served. The "Together Benefiting Enterprises" small and medium-sized enterprise service action was launched. Since this year, various service agencies have been mobilized to provide public services such as policy promotion, entrepreneurship cultivation, and management consulting to 10,119 enterprises, and to provide 9,879 enterprises with specific services in response to needs. Carry out a 100-day online recruitment campaign for college graduates by small and medium-sized enterprises, and guide high-quality enterprises, especially "specialized, special and new" enterprises, to connect with college graduates through various methods such as online, on-site, and on-campus.
In the next step, we will focus on the pain points and difficulties in the development of the private economy under the new situation, establish a working mechanism for horizontal coordination and vertical linkage, and fully stimulate the innovative and creative vitality of the private economy. The first is to strengthen the publicity of policies that benefit enterprises. Make full use of various publicity media to promptly release the latest policies and interpretations issued by the country, provinces and cities, and continuously expand the awareness and coverage of policies that benefit enterprises. The second is to do a good job in enterprise echelon cultivation. We will deeply explore high-quality potential enterprises and actively cultivate small, medium and micro enterprises to develop in the direction of "specialization, specialization and innovation" according to the cultivation level, and high-growth enterprises will develop in the direction of gazelles and individual champion enterprises. The third is to promote the construction of mass entrepreneurship and innovation carriers. Focusing on the requirements of the real economy and advanced manufacturing, we will further support and cultivate a number of small and micro enterprise entrepreneurship and innovation bases with complete infrastructure, standardized comprehensive services, and strong driving effects. The fourth is to improve the public service system. Guide small and medium-sized enterprise public service platforms at all levels to innovate service products, enrich service resources, and continuously improve service capabilities and efficiency. The fifth is to strengthen the cultivation of characteristic industries. In conjunction with industrial planning and development, we will accelerate the cultivation of a number of characteristic and advantageous industrial clusters with outstanding main businesses, optimized structures, distinctive features, complete public service facilities, and strong market competitiveness.

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