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8 departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Deep Sea Aquaculture"

Release time:2024-08-23click:2
Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, and the China Coast Guard jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Deep Sea Aquaculture" ( (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions"). The "Opinions" are guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on establishing a big food concept and asking for food from rivers and lakes, and adhere to market leadership, scientific layout, technology leadership, green ecology, The principle of safe development, closely focusing on the key areas and key links of the development of deep-sea aquaculture, puts forward the key tasks of accelerating the development of deep-sea aquaculture in all aspects of the entire industry chain. This is my country's first guiding opinion on the development of deep-sea aquaculture, and provides the current guidance for the current situation. It will provide a policy basis for regulating and supporting the development of deep-sea aquaculture in the coming period.
The original text of the "Opinions" is as follows. The editor highlights the relevant requirements for the development of deep-sea aquaculture equipment in the "Opinions" for industry reference:
Departments (bureaus) of agriculture and rural areas (fishery), industry and informatization, development and reform, science and technology, natural resources (ocean), ecological environment, and transportation (maritime affairs) of coastal provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government , Commission), fishery administrative bureaus of cities under separate state planning, all maritime safety bureaus directly under the State Council, all sea area branches and bureaus directly under the China Coast Guard, coast guard bureaus of coastal provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government:
Deep sea Breeding mainly refers to the method of large-scale and efficient aquaculture in the deep sea, which uses gravity cages, truss cages, breeding platforms, breeding work boats and other large fishery equipment as the main body, and is supported by mechanization, automation, and intelligent equipment technology. . Vigorously developing deep-sea aquaculture is of great significance to optimizing the spatial layout of aquaculture, promoting the transformation and upgrading of marine fisheries, ensuring national food security, improving the national dietary structure, and implementing the Healthy China strategy. In accordance with the spirit of documents such as the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting Key Works of Rural Revitalization in 2023" and the "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of the Aquaculture Industry" from ten departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, we will implement the national "14th Five-Year Plan" "The planning and deployment of the ocean, fishery, and shipbuilding industries, etc., now put forward the following opinions on accelerating the development of deep-sea aquaculture.
 1. Accurately grasp the overall requirements. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on establishing a big food concept and asking for food from rivers, lakes and seas,expand the space for deep-sea aquaculture and promote deep-sea aquaculture Construction of fish farmsto ensure the supply of high-quality aquatic products. Adhere to market leadership. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better leverage the role of the government, andBreeding producers and operators are the main body, market demand is the guide, and the entire industry chain and all links promote the development of deep sea breeding. Adhere to scientific layout. Properly plan and lay out deep-sea aquaculture, improve policy management systems, and accelerate the formation of a standardized and orderly spatial pattern, industrial structure, and production methods for the development of deep-sea aquaculture. Adhere to the leadership of science and technology. Promote interdisciplinary joint research,strengthen the research and development and innovation of deep-sea aquaculture technology and facilities and equipment, and continuously improve the level of informatization, intelligence, and modernization. Adhere to green ecology. Insert the concept of green development throughout the entire process of deep-sea aquaculture, strengthen ecological and environmental protection, and promote the coordinated development of production and ecology. Adhere to safe development. Prevent and resolve production and operation safety risks, and effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property, biological safety and product quality and safety.
 2. Optimize the layout of breeding space. Encourage the development of deep-sea aquaculture fisheries with aquaculture water bodies of more than 10,000 cubic meters. Among them, truss cages, aquaculture platforms, and aquaculture work boats are in principle deployed at low tide levels with a water depth of not less than 20 meters or more than 10 kilometers offshore, the water depth in the sea area where gravity cages are deployed shall not be less than 15 meters. To engage in deep-sea aquaculture, you must comply with the requirements of land space planning and tidal flat planning for aquaculture waters. To carry out deep-sea aquaculture in inland waters and territorial waters, you must apply for a "Real Estate Certificate" (registered as sea area use rights) and a "Water and Tidal Flat Breeding Certificate" in accordance with the law. Carrying out deep-sea aquaculture within the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf must comply with national requirements for space utilization management in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. To carry out production and operation activities such as tourism, catering, and accommodation based on deep-sea aquaculture, it is necessary to obtain business licenses from relevant competent authorities and accept supervision.
 3. Promote the development of the entire industry chain. Actively focus on key links such as equipment manufacturing, breeding production, processing and circulation, and brand cultivation to promote the mutual integration and coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and continuously improve the comprehensive benefits of the industry. Vigorously promote healthy breeding, scientifically determine breeding models, varieties and densities based on environmental carrying capacity, and standardize the use of state-approved veterinary drugs, feeds and feed additives to ensure product quality and safety. We will do a good job in the aquatic seed industry, cultivate popular species suitable for deep sea breeding, encourage the breeding of local species, and scientifically demonstrate the breeding of exotic species, and take effective anti-escape measures. Actively develop the processing and circulation of aquatic products, strengthen the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for warehousing and preservation at the origin, improve the quality responsibility system for aquatic products, establish a quality traceability mechanism, and cultivate regional high-quality characteristic brands. Encourage the creation of national-level aquatic healthy aquaculture and ecological aquaculture demonstration zones with deep-sea aquaculture types.
 4. Strengthen ecological and environmental protection. Far-reaching sea aquaculture projects must conduct environmental impact assessments in accordance with the "Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, and avoid relevantClose ecological protection red lines and nature reserves. Deep-sea aquaculture producers and operators should use up-to-standard fuels in accordance with the law, be equipped with pollution prevention and control facilities and equipment such as oily sewage, aquaculture waste, and domestic waste treatment, collect, process, and discharge pollutants in accordance with relevant pollutant discharge standards and requirements, and properly dispose of abandoned aquaculture in accordance with the law. Discard deep-sea farming equipment.
 5. Promote industrial technological innovation. Rely on national scientific research plans and other projects to increase support for research and development of deep-sea aquaculture technology and promote the integration of industry, academia, research and application. Using core breeding technologies such as improved seed breeding, scientific disease prevention, and efficient feeding,wind and wave-resistant breeding equipment, high-strength anti-adhesion netting, underwater Cleaning machinerobot, automatic precision feeding, mechanized fish harvesting, product processing, warehousing and fresh-keeping cold chain and other key facilities and equipment as the focus, and promote the research and development of advanced breeding technology and equipment. Accelerate the transformation and application of results, improve relevant technical systems and standards, and improve the safety and economy of deep-sea aquaculture. Encourage the realization of full-scale mechanized production and intelligent management and control in deep-sea aquaculture, and carry out trials and demonstrations of advanced aquaculture systems in unmanned fisheries.
 6. Implement inspection registration requirements. The breeding work vessel must pass the inspection by the ship inspection agency, obtain valid statutory inspection certificates and documents, and undergo regular operational inspections. Breeding work vessels are registered as breeding fishing vessels in accordance with the "Registration Measures of the People's Republic of China for Fishing Vessels". The construction of gravity cages, truss cages and breeding platforms must comply with the technical requirements of relevant specifications and standards, and the competent departments designated by the local people's governments shall formulate rules for registration. Provincial agricultural and rural (fishery) departments should establish a dynamic account of deep-sea aquaculture, promptly grasp the basic information of deep-sea aquaculture facilities and equipment, production and operation status, etc., and submit it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs before the end of June and December every year.
 7. Strengthen safety production measures. Producers and operators of deep-sea aquaculture must implement the main responsibilities for safety production, formulate emergency plans, equip safety facilities and equipment suitable for the production scale, as well as management and operating personnel, and establish safety management systems such as daily maintenance and safety production training. , regularly check for safety hazards. Producers and operators of aquaculture work boats must implement the fishery crew certification system, equip all working crew members, strengthen the implementation of the entry and exit reporting system, and comply with the relevant provisions of the "Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" when sailing and anchoring at sea.Deep-sea aquaculture producers and operators must evacuate all personnel in a timely manner in accordance with the early warning information issued by meteorological, natural resources (ocean) and other departments and in accordance with local government requirements. If necessary, aquaculture work vessels must enter ports or anchorages to avoid danger in accordance with the law. Equipment and equipment boarding in deep-sea breeding facilities should comply with relevant laws and regulations, the number of people should not exceed the number of people allowed on board, safety operating procedures should be followed, and standard life jackets should be worn. Navigation activities such as the transportation of relevant facilities and equipment to and from the dock must comply with international maritime collision avoidance regulations.
 8. Improve the regulatory coordination mechanism. Establish a collaboration mechanism for the supervision and management of deep sea aquaculture, led by the agricultural and rural (fishery) departments at the same level and participated by all relevant departments, to promote the standardized development of the industry. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Fishery) is responsible for the supervision and management of the deep sea aquaculture production, the Natural Resources (Ocean) Department is responsible for the supervision and management of the use of the deep sea aquaculture areas, the Ecological Environment Department is responsible for the supervision and management of the ecological environment of the deep sea aquaculture, and the Maritime Affairs Department is responsible for the gravity net Navigation safety supervision and management of construction operations of cages, truss cages and breeding platforms. Fishery law enforcement agencies and coast guard agencies respectively supervise and inspect aquaculture activities inside and outside the bottom trawl closed area line for motorized fishing vessels. Coast police agencies and local marine and ecological environment comprehensive law enforcement teams conduct supervision and inspection of sea and water used for deep sea aquaculture in accordance with their duties. Supervise and inspect the ecological environment. Tourism, catering, accommodation and other production and operation activities based on deep-sea aquaculture shall be supervised and managed by departments designated by the local people's government. Each department must investigate and deal with corresponding illegal acts in accordance with the law according to their respective division of functions, strengthen work coordination, and form a regulatory pattern of joint management.
 9. Increase policy support. Strengthen the protection of sea use for deep-sea aquaculture, simplify the approval procedures, and reduce or exempt sea area usage fees in accordance with the law. The natural resources (ocean) departments of the people's governments at the city and county levels shall conduct an overall sea area use demonstration in accordance with regulations for the breeding areas selected based on the territorial spatial planning. When entities and individuals apply for sea use for breeding, they will no longer conduct a sea area use demonstration. There are special regulations. Except. Support various types of deep-sea aquaculture equipment that meet the requirements and include them in the "Guidance Catalog for the Promotion and Application of the First (Set) of Major Technical Equipment". Increase support for the development of deep-sea aquaculture, focusing on the construction of facilities and equipment, revitalization of the aquatic seed industry, prevention and control of major epidemics, research and development of feed and veterinary drugs, and cultivationof the entire industry chain. investment and provide policy supportin credit, insurance and other aspects. Establish a diversified investment mechanism with government guidance, enterprise self-financing, and social capital participation, and improve the socialized service system for deep-sea aquaculture.
 10. Strengthen work organization and leadership. All regions and departments must fully understand and deeply understand the importance of accelerating the development of deep-sea aquaculture and earnestlyStrengthen the organizational leadership of the development of deep-sea aquaculture, give full play to the role of the collaboration mechanism for the supervision and management of deep-sea aquaculture, continuously improve relevant management systems, and form a joint regulatory force. All localities must carefully summarize the development experience of deep-sea aquaculture in recent years, fully evaluate economic, safety, environmental protection and other factors in accordance with the requirements of this opinion, formulate and improve the development plan and implementation plan of deep-sea aquaculture in the region according to local conditions, clarify goals and tasks, work responsibilities and supervise implementation. mechanism to ensure that various measures are implemented and effective.
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
National Development and Reform Commission
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Natural Resources
Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Ministry of Transport
China Coast Guard
< /div>
 June 3, 2023

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