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The Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a notice on several measures to achieve a "good start" and "stable start" for economic and social development in the first quarter of 2024.

Release time:2024-08-15click:1
The Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Several Measures to Do a Good Job in Economic and Social Development in the First Quarter of 2024 to Achieve a "Good Start" and "Stable Start". The "Several Measures" proposed to consolidate and enhance the positive economic recovery trend and strive to achieve a "good start" and "stable start" in the first quarter of 2024. The province's GDP grew by about 6.5%, achieving a "good start" and a "stable start", laying a solid foundation for completing the full-year goals and tasks.
According to the "Several Measures", the preferential income tax policies for individual industrial and commercial households and small low-profit enterprises will be implemented, and the "six taxes" will be halved for small-scale VAT taxpayers, small low-profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. "Two fees" policy and the VAT reduction and exemption policy for small-scale taxpayers.
In addition, credit funds will be guided to invest more in key areas and weak links of the national economy such as manufacturing, technological innovation, private small and micro businesses, and rural revitalization.
The original notice is as follows:
The Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in 2024 Notice on several measures to achieve a "good start" and "stable start" for economic and social development work in the first quarter of 2020 Committee, relevant departments of the Provincial People's Government, and relevant directly affiliated institutions:
"Several Measures for Doing a Good Job in Economic and Social Development in the First Quarter of 2024 to Achieve a "Good Start" and "Stable Start" have been issued by the provincial government Agree, it is now issued to you. Please organize and implement it, implement policies, strengthen key project guarantees and key enterprise services, and go all out to achieve a "good start."
Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission
2024 January 2nd
 (This article is proactively disclosed)
About doing Good morning 2024Several measures to achieve a "good start" and "stable start" for quarterly economic and social development work
In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference , fully implement the deployment requirements of the fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the 11th Provincial Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee, consolidate and enhance the positive economic recovery, and strive to increase the province's GDP by about 6.5% in the first quarter and achieve " "A good start" and "a steady start" will lay a solid foundation for completing the goals and tasks throughout the year and formulate this work measure.
 1. Stimulate the endogenous motivation of business entities
1. Implement tax reduction and exemption policies. Implement preferential income tax policies for individual industrial and commercial households and small-scale low-profit enterprises, implement the policy of halving the "six taxes and two fees" for small-scale taxpayers, small-scale low-profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and implement the policy of reducing or exempting VAT for small-scale taxpayers. [Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Taxation Bureau, Xiamen Municipal Taxation Bureau, people's governments of cities and counties (districts), Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Management Committee. The following need to be implemented by the people's governments of each city, county (district) and the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Management Committee and will not be listed]
 2. Promote the development of private enterprises. Promote the investment and financing docking of private enterprises in Fujian and build a platform for in-depth docking of capital, technology and private enterprises. Make good use of the "Party-Enterprise New Time and Space·Government-Enterprise Express" platform, unblock the channels for private enterprises to report problems, and improve the "enterprise appeals-platform whistle-blowing-department reporting" service system to assist enterprises. Support relevant prefectures and cities in our province to apply for private economic contact point cities, encourage localities to continue to explore and innovate, and create experiences and practices that can be replicated and promoted. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Financial Supervision Bureau, etc.)
3. Support new compliance companies. For industrial enterprises above the designated level that are newly put into operation in 2024 and industrial enterprises that have been transferred from the lower level to the upper level of the standard and are included in the "small upgrading standard" cultivation library of the provincial industrial enterprise supply and demand docking platform, the provincial finance will give each a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan. A one-time reward of RMB 100,000 will be given to each industrial enterprise that is newly put into operation in the first quarter. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Finance)
 4. Give full play to the role of structural monetary policy tools. Make good use of re-loans and re-discounts to support agriculture and small businesses, give full play to the incentive role of inclusive small and micro loan support tools, continue to promote the implementation of various special re-loan policies, and guide more investment in credit fundsManufacturing, technological innovation, private small and micro enterprises, rural revitalization and other key areas and weak links of the national economy. (Responsible unit: Led by Fujian Branch of the People's Bank of China)
5. Expand the coverage of the "loan renewal without principal repayment" product. Through measures such as improving the product loan renewal function and optimizing business processes, we will further expand the coverage of "loan renewal without principal repayment" products, continue to increase the innovation and promotion of "borrow and repay anytime" financial products, and provide renewal to qualified enterprises. loan support. (Responsible units: Fujian Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision, Xiamen Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, Fujian Branch of the People's Bank of China)
 6. Continue to optimize the business environment. Based on the World Bank's new evaluation system, a number of new reform measures will be implemented in promoting market competition, building an honest Fujian, and handling commercial disputes. Optimize and improve the service capabilities of the Minzhengtong App, and launch the "E-Qiban" corporate service area to provide enterprises with integrated and convenient online government services. Promote market entities to replace certificates of no illegal records with special credit reports, and issue special credit reports to enterprises free of charge. (Responsible unit: Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission)
 Second, seize the opportunity to expand investment in projects
 7. Stimulate private capital investment vitality. In key areas such as transportation, water conservancy, clean energy, and advanced manufacturing, a number of sub-industries will be sorted out and announced to encourage the active participation of private capital. Improve the promotion mechanism to private capital and dynamically announce a number of promotion projects. Establish a provincial key private investment project database, improve the guarantee mechanism, share the list with financial institutions, coordinate and resolve project land, forest use, environmental impact assessment, energy conservation and other procedures, and effectively guarantee the construction of a number of key private investment projects. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecology and Environment, Forestry Bureau, etc.)
8. Speed ​​up the construction of major projects. Accelerate the implementation of projects such as the issuance of additional treasury bonds, investment within the central budget, and special bonds for local governments. Encourage key projects to not stop work, stop work less, and resume work early during the Spring Festival, strengthen construction organization, and strengthen positive incentives. Give full play to the coordination and guarantee working mechanism for major projects and promote more projects to be included in the national major project portfolio. Accelerate the preliminary work such as project energy and environmental impact assessment review, as soon as possible, and promote the start of construction as soon as possible to form a physical workload. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Ecology and Environment, etc.)
9. Innovate the financing mechanism for investment projects. Improve the provincial investment project online approval and supervision platform project information, share it with banks, and guide more financialCapital supports the construction of major projects in our province. Standardize the implementation of the new mechanism for cooperation between government and social capital, and actively support private enterprises in participating in new (including reconstruction and expansion) projects of government and social capital cooperation. Focus on projects that enter the management of the infrastructure REITs project library and actively strive for national pilot support. (Responsible unit: Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission)
 3. Deeply tap potential to promote consumption
 10. Carry out themes to promote consumption Activity. Seizing the consumption nodes such as New Year's Day and Spring Festival, with the theme of "Fujian Tesco·New Year's Eve and Spring Festival", we organize various promotional activities such as online shopping festivals, New Year's goods festivals, and food festivals. Support various localities to carry out the "Eight Fujian Food Carnival" series of activities, promote new Fujian cuisine, and continue to organize and carry out the "Fujian Goods China Tour" activities. Support various localities in carrying out activities such as automobile consumption subsidies and automobile trade-in for new ones. Encourage home renovation and trade-in activities for home appliances to promote the consumption of green smart home appliances. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Culture and Tourism)
 11. Expand and strengthen cultural tourism consumption. We will continue to carry out the cultural tourism promotion activity of "Come to Fujian, take the train, and sing along the way to the mountains and seas" to create tourist train products. Continue to do a good job in "+Culture and Tourism" and "Culture and Tourism+" articles, launch a number of themed tourist routes and scenic spots with distinctive features, cultivate a number of interesting, participatory and popular cultural and tourism industry products, and set off a spring Cultural tourism consumption boom. (Responsible unit: Led by the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)
Four. Consolidate the basics of foreign trade and foreign investment
12. Support applications Foreign trade hedging tool. According to the "enjoy without application" model, enterprises are supported to use exchange rate hedging products for foreign exchange settlement to reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Commerce, Department of Finance, Fujian Provincial Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange)
 13. Make greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. Coordinate and make good use of central and provincial funds in the commercial field. If the actual annual increase in funds of foreign-invested enterprises in the province (excluding Xiamen) meets relevant conditions, fund rewards will be given at a certain proportion. Increase the number of enterprises included in national landmarks and provincial projects. Increase financial support for foreign investment projects in key support areas to promote the high-quality development of foreign investment. (Responsible units: Led by the Provincial Department of Commerce and the Department of Finance)
 5. Do a solid job in winter and spring agricultural production
14. Make every effort to win the spring grain and oil harvest. Comprehensively implement the task target of 830,000 acres of winter planting and spring harvesting grain crops, strengthen the management of 146,000 acres of rapeseed, and do a good job in the construction of short-growth period rapeseed and "double-low" rapeseed variety test demonstration plots. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, etc.)
15. Pay close attention to spring plowing and spring sowing. Implement grain production reward and subsidy policies and measures to protect enthusiasm for growing grain. Make ready supplies of agricultural materials such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Scientifically dispatch machines and tools, strengthen mechanical tillage and planting services, and lay a solid foundation for increasing early rice production. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, etc.)
 6. Effectively protect and improve people’s livelihood
16. Do a good job in preventing and controlling infectious diseases in winter and spring. Effectively strengthen organizational leadership, insist on taking precautions and joint prevention of multiple diseases, and work hard to prevent and control key infectious diseases in winter and spring, mainly influenza, new coronavirus, and norovirus infections; strengthen data sharing and information exchange, and continue to do a good job in monitoring Early warning work, promptly detecting signs of the epidemic, issuing early warning information, and putting forward work suggestions; improving the emergency drug reserve system, and well stocking up on influenza and new crown treatment drugs. We must effectively manage key institutions such as schools, child care institutions, elderly care institutions, and social welfare institutions, and actively guide qualified personnel to receive COVID-19 and influenza vaccines as early as possible to improve population immunity and reduce the risk of infection. Strengthen publicity and education, vigorously advocate healthy lifestyles, guide the public to keep the environment at home and workplace clean, take personal protection when going out, wear masks scientifically and rationally, perform hand hygiene, maintain social distance, and enhance public awareness of scientific prevention and control. (Responsible units: Provincial Health Commission, Department of Education, Department of Civil Affairs, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
 17. Ensure the employment needs of enterprises. For enterprises that have been recognized by the jurisdiction and meet the conditions for continuous and stable production during the Spring Festival, a one-time employment stabilization award can be given in batches. Continue to carry out inter-provincial labor cooperation between the east and west, increase the frequency of exchanges and docking with cooperating provinces, and prepare a good labor reserve. Use the "point-to-point" service collaboration mechanism to promote the safe and orderly return of the inter-provincial transferred workforce. Organize and carry out special online and offline public employment service activities such as "Spring Breeze Action" and "Employment Assistance Month". (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Department of Industry and Information Technology)
18. Do a good job in ensuring supply and stable prices of important livelihood commodities during key periods. Strengthen price monitoring and early warning, strictly implement the linkage mechanism between social assistance and security standards and price increases, and launch affordable stores in a timely manner to ensure adequate market supply and basically stable prices of important people's livelihood commodities. Effectively guarantee the supply of energy and electricity. (responsibilityUnit: The Provincial Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant provincial departments to implement according to the division of responsibilities)
 7. Strengthen production safety
19. Deepen Safety production work in key areas. Pay close attention to key industry areas such as mining, fire protection, road transportation, water transportation and fishing vessels, gas, hazardous chemicals,Fireworks and firecrackers, and special equipment, hospitals, tourist attractions, schools (laboratories) and other key locations, comprehensively and thoroughly carry out potential safety hazard investigation and rectification, strengthen safety supervision throughout the chain, resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents, and ensure overall social stability and stability. (Responsible units: All member units of the Provincial Security Committee)
Relevant departments at all levels should attach great importance to the economic work in the first quarter, plan early, deploy early, promote early, implement early, and issue it as soon as possible Specific policies, measures and work plans shall be organized and implemented as soon as possible. Responsible units under the provincial government should establish and improve a linking service mechanism for nine cities and one district, promptly help coordinate and solve difficulties and problems raised by various places, promote the implementation of policies and measures, increase the protection of elements, and speed up the construction of major projects. The Provincial Development and Reform Commission took the lead in tracking and coordinating economic work in the first quarter, promoting the implementation of various key tasks, and reporting relevant situations to the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government in a timely manner.

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